Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wed. April 13, 2011...Day 1: This is not gonna be easy

For the past few months, I've been dealing with clothes that don't fit me anymore.  I'm having a hard time getting rid of some of them, especially since I've spent a pretty penny on them.  HELLO, who wants to get rid of jeans that you know will make your butt look good!  Too bad that in my case they don't even fit my big ass!  So, the other day I started thinking of how active I used to be when I was young, how much energy I had and how it actually bothered me if I didn't workout.  NOW, if I don't work out, I justify it...."Oh, I had a rough day, I deserve a break." "I have too much to do at work and at home, as long as I'm moving I'm good!"....really!  Those are my excuses!  I have to say that I am only 5 feet tall, maybe a little taller, but even five pounds looks like ten.  This is not good for someone who can't seem to get rid of her clothes.  So I've decided that I need to do something about it.  Now this isn't going to be some hard core revolution, changing the diet and never eating chocolate and working out 24/7....I think I can do that but I love food, and I don't mean, I binge eat or am 500lbs.   I love trying new things and I don't believe that you should deprive yourself of great foods.  I will be trying to eat healthier and stay active.  Doing that can be a challenge when you have a million things going on, so this is my journey.  I will begin today and I think I'll drag my husband along the ride!  SOOOO, this is usually how my days go right now (I'm currently employed part-time and I have a little more time on my hands), I get up around 6am with my husband.  Make coffee, breakfast, his lunch, and clean the apartment.  I go off to work from 10:30 - 4pm.  That's it, nothing major!  Today I'm going to attempt to eat a healthier breakfast...I've had to think back to what my healthy breakfasts used to be like when I was younger and was in the best shape of my life...I think I found something.
Boiled egg
I'll keep you posted on lunch.  But the plan is, maybe a chicken salad, and then after work I have to find the energy some where within me to go jog!  Lord help me.